How to prepare a schedule for your projects

1167384_682072715184216_1020057175_oAs technical manager, I need to create schedules simultaneously for the multiple projects running under my supervision. Creating a schedule is a work in itself since i need to meet client’s expectations and also allocate resources.

Usually we receive only the equipment list and schematics from a client and estimated delivery time. In order to create a proper schedule, we need to do the following.

1) Create a scope of work for the project. Get a sign off from the client regarding this.

2) Create a touch panel flow for the project ( applicable if you are a programming services company). Get a sign off from the client regarding this.

3) After sign off, work out a schedule for offsite and onsite implementation. If client is not happy with the schedule, allocate more resources based on the quotation agreed upon.

4)  If there is a change request, then take it up for the next phase and provide new quotation to the client.

How do you provide schedules to clients? Pass me the steps in the comments section below. Don’t forget to follow the blog if it’s relevant to you.


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2 Replies to “How to prepare a schedule for your projects”

  1. Ajish, we prepare a schedule by asking the client for it. No one knows the site conditions better than the AV Integrator and the client’s requirement for inauguration. So we follow the client’s schedule. (PI)

    1. Client may have a deadline for inauguration but if its arbitrary due to actual conditions on site like cabling, device delivery, networking issues, then their deadline wont stand. Whenever a client gives a deadline, we can assign more resources to meet the deadline provided its covered in the quotation but if its not matching with site conditions then it will take an act of God for us to meet their deadlines.

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